.no is the Internet country code top-level domain for Norway. Norid, the domain name registry, is based in Trondheim and is owned by the state-owned Uninett and operates under... Wikipedia
- Introduced: March 17, 1987
- TLD type: Country code top-level domain
- Status: Active
- Registry: Norid
- Sponsor: Norid
- Intended use: Entities connected with
- Actual use: Very popular in Norway, most sites are in second-level names rather than the various third-level registrations available
- Registration restrictions: Open to organisations and individuals in Norway, specific sub-domains have varied requirements, limit of 100 second-level registrations per organization, lower limit for individuals
- Structure: Registrations can be made at the second level, or at third level beneath various geographic and generic second-level names
- Documents: Domain name policy for.no
- Dispute policies: Complaint procedure
- Website: Norid
- Data source: DuckDuckGo